Mersades Morgan
Price Team Lead/Peer Recovery Coach
Office: (877) 590-5965 x352
Mersades is a woman in long-term recovery and her journey started in May of 2016. She is a Certified Peer Recovery Coach & Community Empowerment Coordinator serving Carbon and Emery Counties. She acknowledges the life she leads today wouldn’t be possible without all those who held safe spaces for her through her own recovery journey.
Prior to joining USARA, Mersades gained experience working at an in-patient Treatment Facility where she was Head of Employee Experience and Lead Recovery Advocate working one-on-one with individuals since 2019.
Mersades prides herself on her passion for helping others navigate what is individually going to work for them through advocacy, re-framing and personal empowerment. Mersades has a love of speaking out on Recovery Platforms around Stigma Reduction and Person-First Language.