Heidi Thompson

Peer Recovery Coach

Office: (435) 612-2300 x252
Email: heidi.thompson@utahrecovers.org

Heidi is a Peer Recovery Coach serving Grand County and has been in long-term recovery since 2014. She was initially a USARA participant in 2017, and then her journey took a non-traditional route. Shortly after her unsuccessful termination from the Grand County family drug court program, she discovered multiple pathways to recovery and reconnected with USARA in June 2018.

With USARA, she not only found herself, but purpose through volunteering to run recovery meetings, helping with recovery day and family fun nights, and being involved in other recovery community events across the state.

Heidi is an active member in 12 step meetings, has 2 beautiful daughters, and strives to be a positive role model for all those she comes in contact with. She has a passion for helping others find what she found through USARA – and that is empowerment, support, and encouragement.

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